I don't know if I was just not myself Saturday or what. I got a tetanus shot on Thursday, and I woke up Saturday morning almost in tears because I was feeling so rotten. I had already thrown a fit about us doing this ride, so I had no other choice than to buck up and do eeeet!!
We got there, and it was rather crowded and warm. We lined up and started rolling. Immediately I pretty much knew the ride was going to be rough. We had baby hills right off the bat. I've been biking for only 2 months, and I ride mostly in flat Houston. Hills and gears are very hard work! The roads were also bumpy, which tired out my arms.
At one of the rest stops we had to make the decision--- 27 mile route or 44 mile route? I decided to go and challenge myself, and take the 44 mile route. Mister was a fantastic sport. He hung back with me the whole time! Even when I had to walk up a bunch of the hills. Eventually, I had to ride the SAG wagon. I just couldn't quite pedal the whole way. I think I sagged a total of about 5 miles. 39 miles is still about 10 miles further than I've ever gone before!
I sagged in the middle of the ride, and pedaled to the finish line. 3 people before the last rider. I would have been the turtle if I had not sagged. Mister was such a good sport, he sped up when I rode in a nice lady's Yukon, and practically met me at the rest stops.
The last 5 miles were miserable. I was chafed. I was exhausted. I did not have another mile in me after I crossed the finish line. At one point we had a tractor following us. I thought the tractor would pass us, but I was going faster than the tractor! I burst into tears, because I was so happy! I also made another womaan's dream come true of passing someone on a ride. I was the very first person she passed. I'm glad she was happy, and I am glad I pushed myself.
Weight loss news- I lost 2.4lbs this week, and I've lost a grand total of 4.5 inches on my waist since September.