A blog about bicycling and other misadventures.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Been a little while!

Time flies when you're traveling, eating like a pig-- and generally getting ready for Festivus type things. I've been on a few 20 mile training rides, nothing major or hardcore. I really need to light a fire under my butt-- as I've got 3 months, 4 weeks, and 1 day to get my ass in shape. I'm terrified, quite frankly.

Tomorrow we're planning a ride, but the weather is supposed to be kind of nasty-- so I suspect it will be bagged. I won't ride in 40 degrees and raining.

Some cool events I am slobbering over in anticipation-- Wednesday Dec 19th, we're going to the Elves and More Bike Build session. http://www.elvesandmore.org/ Their mission is really bad ass. They build bikes, and then will be delivering them to randomly chosen neighborhoods on Dec 22nd. I will also assist in the delivery. I am wayyyyyy excited.

I've been on the receiving end of charity in Christmases past-- so I love when I have an opportunity to give back. I will also learn how to build a bike on Wednesdy night. They're very short on this year's budget-- it only takes $40 to get a kid one of these bikes. If you have a little bit of extra cash, maybe think about checking out their website and dropping them a few dollars. I know bicycling has revolutionized my life. Maybe a bike can change a child's?

Warm wishes to all!! Happy cycling!!

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