A blog about bicycling and other misadventures.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Getting to know me.

This is me after one of my first successfully completed event ride. I biked 24 hilly miles. Sorry if my pic is huge and frightening.

This is my Mister Tinkerham. He did the 60 mile route.

This is the Jamis Ventura Elite I ride. It is orange, and obnoxious looking- just like me.

This is the silly logo I made up for myself.

Why did I name it Team Tinkerham? Well, I seem to kind of be everyone's pet fat cyclist. I am reveling in it, too. It also seems to me that it will probably be a team effort to raise the money for the MS Society, get my hiney from Houston to Austin, and generally look after my well being.

1 comment:

Sonadora said...

Go Tinker, you can do it!!